The Nigerian movie industry, Nollywood, is once again plunged into mourning following the news of the passing of veteran actor Zulu Adigwe. The actor's death was announced by movie producer Stanley Nwoko on his Instagram page, where he paid tribute to Adigwe as a "good actor."
Adigwe's death comes just two weeks after the tragic boat accident that claimed the lives of Junior Pope and three other Nollywood actors. The actors were reportedly on their way to a filming location when the accident occurred.
Zulu Adigwe was known for his portrayal of fatherly characters in Nollywood films and gained recognition for his role as Mr. B in the popular sitcom "Basi and Company." He also appeared in the successful 2019 movie "Living in Bondage: Breaking Free."
Although born in Enugu State, Adigwe later moved to Austria, where he completed his primary and secondary education. His passing marks the loss of a talented actor who contributed significantly to the Nigerian movie industry.
Nollywood stars and fans have taken to social media to express their shock and sadness at Adigwe's death, remembering him for his memorable performances and his impact on the industry.
The details surrounding Zulu Adigwe's death are yet to be revealed, but his legacy as a veteran actor in Nollywood will undoubtedly live on.
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