Popular comedian and actor, Victor Nwaogu, known as Nkubi, is overjoyed as he becomes a father to a beautiful baby girl. Nkubi had shared the news of his wife's pregnancy on social media weeks before the due date, and now, the couple is celebrating the arrival of their bundle of joy.

Taking to his Instagram page, Nkubi shared a heartwarming photo of their baby's tiny fingers, announcing her arrival and revealing her name as Somtochukwu. In his caption, he proudly proclaimed, "The New CEO of the NWAOGUS Family, Miss SOMTOCHUKWU, has arrived safely."

The news of Somtochukwu's arrival has elicited an outpouring of love and congratulations from fans and colleagues, who have flooded Nkubi's comment section with well-wishes for the new parents.

A touching photo shared on Facebook shows Nkubi cradling his newborn daughter, showcasing the pure joy and happiness that comes with welcoming a new life into the world.

Congratulations to Nkubi and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Somtochukwu. May she bring endless joy, love, and blessings to their family.

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